
Saturday, 4 July 2015

The US Same-Sex Verdict And Its Implications

FREEDOM is good, but it must have a reasonable limit. For the
average man, freedom needs to be checkmated or else it may lead to
disaster. This is what is playing out right now in the United States of
America, the country that prides itself as upholding the freedom and
integrity of humans. Against all sound moral judgment, the Supreme
Court gave a very controversial ruling, when it pronounced that
states cannot keep same-sex couples from marrying and must
recognise their unions. This is simply outrageous!
Who dictates how humans should live? Humans or the Creator? What
gives humans the right to go against the dictates of the Creator by
fashioning for himself what is right or wrong? Are we now changing
the human biological disposition by given men womb to carry babies
and vice versa? What is happening to our family values?
For those who have been watching the unfolding drama keenly over
the years, it did not really come as a surprise. For long, the powerful
pro-gay agencies in governments all over the world have been
infiltrating the economy, and positioning themselves into positions of
authority, even in the judiciary and the Church. Remember the issue
of the Anglican Church in England appointing a gay bishop, which led
to Nigeria pulling out. For long, they have been going round the
world in the name of giving grants and providing lifeline for the poor
and the needy, while secretly projecting their hidden agenda.
Is it not about time that the rest of the world wake up from slumber
and see the sinister plot to turn our value systems upside down?

Posted by Adebayo A J